Monday, January 31, 2011

The Pieces of a Puzzle

Things are falling into place, or should I say, the puzzle is coming together.
It has been a couple of weeks since I made the decision to enrol in the Culinary Arts Program here at Vancouver Island University.
Arrangements for child care have been made, I was notified that my student loan application has been approved, I picked up my class schedule for the month of February and I have had the chance to get some feedback from various people regarding this new direction in my life.

I am thrilled and I feel at peace.

For most of my life I have been a planner. I like to look ahead and anticipate and plan and make lists (if not on paper, though in my head). I have often missed out on being in the moment, for that matter. This is something I am aware of, something that is slowly changing.

This morning my daughter Sophie and I looked out the window and saw a beautiful sunrise behind the clouds. There was just enough time to acknowledge its beauty and take a couple of picture, before it was gone again.

Today I am preparing a meal for some friends, who just had a new baby.
The kitchen smells good, as I write.

I love cooking for others.

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